March 14, 2019

Cassidy, Kennedy Meet with HUD Secretary Carson, Demand Action on Duplication of Benefits

Carson DOB Photo

WASHINGTON—U.S. Senators Bill Cassidy, M.D. (R-LA), and John Kennedy (R-LA) met today with U.S. Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Secretary Ben Carson, M.D. to discuss their “holds” on two HUD nominees until the department releases long-delayed legal guidance needed to implement the duplication of benefits fix passed by Congress and signed into law by President Trump in October 2018. Earlier this month, Cassidy and Kennedy wrote to Secretary Carson directly, urging HUD to “take immediate action” on issuing specific guidance regarding the duplication of benefits fix.

“Louisiana families are still waiting to put their lives back together, and they’ve waited far too long,” said Dr. Cassidy. “I made this clear to Secretary Carson, and emphasized how deeply this mess has hurt Louisiana homeowners. He committed to release the legal guidance necessary to implement the duplication of benefits fix we passed in Congress, and I reiterated that I will not lift my hold on his nominees until his department does its job.”

“We were able to express our frustration today to Secretary Carson about HUD’s delay in issuing the guidelines needed to implement Congress’ duplication of benefits’ solution. It’s been three years since the flooding, and many people can’t rebuild. This is an important issue for countless Louisiana families,” said Senator Kennedy.

Cassidy and Kennedy placed holds on Seth Appleton, nominee for HUD assistant secretary of policy development and research, and Robert Hunter Kurtz, nominee for HUD assistant secretary. The holds prevent the Senate from approving these promotions. 

