September 24, 2015

Cassidy Reflects on the Pope’s Address to Congress

WASHINGTON – U.S. Senator Bill Cassidy, M.D. released the following statement reflecting on the Pope’s address to Congress:

“Pope Francis spoke with humility, challenging the United States to continue to be the country of the American Dream, to care for those in need and to strive for the common good.”

Dr. Cassidy was joined by John Serio. A lifelong resident of New Orleans, Serio is Principal and President at Archbishop Chapelle High School. He released the following statement: 

“I was Principal at a Catholic school when my home got wiped out by Hurricane Katrina—Senator Cassidy didn’t even know me, yet he and his family opened their home to me. When the Senator invited me to be his guest to hear the Pope speak, I was so thrilled and honored. The Pope spreads Christ’s message of compassion and concern for others. Listening to this message means I can bring it back to Louisiana to share with others.”

