October 13, 2021

Cassidy Speaks to Central Louisiana Chamber on Infrastructure

WASHINGTON – U.S. Senator Bill Cassidy, M.D. (R-LA) today addressed the Central Louisiana Regional Chamber of Commerce in Alexandria. He discussed the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, and the benefits it would provide to central Louisiana.


Those benefits include the authorization of the I-14 corridor, which would run from Texas to Georgia and include stops in Leesville and Alexandria. It would continue through Mississippi and Alabama until it reached Augusta, Georgia. The corridor would bring travelers through central Louisiana and boost the regional economy.

“Among the good things for central Louisiana include universal access to high-speed, broadband Internet, flood mitigation, and authorization of the I-14 corridor,” said Dr. Cassidy. “Important for Fort Polk, important for Alexandria, important for economic development. Yet another reason to support the bipartisan infrastructure plan.”

Additionally, Louisiana would receive 50% more in federal highway formula dollars in 2022, and funds would be available for bridges, airport improvements, and broadband deployment.


Among others, Cassidy was joined by the leadership of the Central Louisiana Chamber.

“We appreciate Senator Cassidy visiting with us today,” said Deborah Randolph, President, Central Louisiana Regional Chamber of Commerce. “He is a great friend to the people of central Louisiana and the Chamber Board and I deeply appreciate his vision and leadership on issues of vital importance to our region and state. We are particularly grateful to Senator Cassidy for his stellar leadership on infrastructure investment, and for supporting the authorization of the route for Interstate 14, a future East-West interstate that will be a game changer for the central portion of Louisiana.”

