November 20, 2017

VIDEO: Cassidy on Fox News: Congress Should Come Together & Pass Tax Cuts for Working Families

Fox News Interview 11/20

WASHINGTON— U.S. Senator Bill Cassidy, M.D. (R-LA), a member of the Senate Finance Committee, joined Neil Cavuto on Fox News this afternoon to discuss the Senate’s Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, legislation that would cut taxes for working families in Louisiana.


A key excerpt of Cassidy’s remarks is transcribed below.


CASSIDY: What is important is not ourselves, it is the American people. We have to come together so that this country moves forward. That’s what I’m all about. And it’s not Republican, it’s not Democrat. It’s not personal, it’s about the American people. This tax bill lowers the burden on middle-class Americans and it is a pro-growth agenda to increase wages, to give better benefits. We can all be about that. And that is our goal.


CAVUTO: Do you think it’s still doable by Christmas?


CASSIDY: Absolutely.


CAVUTO: Do you think it’s doable before that December 12 special election in Alabama that could flip Democrat the way things are looking now?


CASSIDY: I do think it can be, because, again, we decrease the tax burden upon middle-class Americans. We get rid of the individual mandate, which doesn’t work, that taxes lower-income Americans. And it’s a pro-growth policy. You put those three together, I think we get the votes we need [to pass it].”

