September 30, 2016

FEMA Announces Federal Grants for Louisiana

WASHINGTON—Today, the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) announced two federal grants for the State of Louisiana for disaster relief. The two grants will provide a combined $128,516,850 to the Governor’s Office of Homeland Security and Emergency Preparedness (GOHSEP) for the first portion of the Shelter At Home (SAH) Program and associated project management costs.

The SOH Program enables eligible individuals or families whose homes were damaged in the August flooding to take shelter in their own homes while they rebuild, instead of having to stay in a hotel, rental or mass shelter.

“With federal aid dollars beginning to flow into Louisiana, families are finally getting assurance that help is on the way,” said Dr. Cassidy. “This money will help families move out of temporary housing and back into their homes while they begin the process of rebuilding.”


The first award provides $94,505,400 in federal funding to GOHSEP for the first portion of the SAH Program. The current version of this project addresses the first group of registered citizens participating in the program. A future version will address additional participants. 


The second award provides $34,011,450 in federal funding to GOHSEP for the project management costs associated with the SAH Program. The program authorizes emergency temporary repairs and power restoration in single-family owner occupied residences to make those residences habitable enough to be used as a shelter.


These emergency protective measures are needed as damages were a direct result of FEMA-DR-4277-LA (Louisiana Severe Storms and Flooding), and is authorized under Section 403 of the Robert T. Stafford Act.


Both grants represent FEMA’s 90 percent cost share obligation, with the State of Louisiana making up the remaining 10 percent of the project costs.
